Sanketika Vidya Parisad Engineering College

Behind Cricket Stadium, PM Palem, Vizag-530041, Andhra Pradesh.


SVPEC Updates:

Computer Science and Engineering


CSE department HOD

Department of Computer Science and Engineering has been successfully functioning since 2003. It offers B. Tech (Computer Science and Engineering) ,M.Tech & MCA. Computer Science and Engineering has good interactions with leading technology domain Training & Development Industries. The Department comprises of 6 fully Air Conditioned Computer labs with 127   systems, state of the art computing facilities with sufficient power supply backup. The Department of CSE takes care of Software & Hardware requirements of the entire Institute.  Which   adds   a good amount of perception rating to the department by being most illustrious Department is committed to encourage students/researchers to carry out innovative research in the field of Computer Science & Engineering, keeping excellence in focus and deliver quality services to match the needs of the technical education system, industry and society Students of CSE department are motivated to be innovative in their thinking while being strong in the Computer Science Core Knowledge Faculty of CSE are always dedicated and devoted towards the comprehensive development of their students by training them physically through enough sports & games; psychologically through technical competitions globally The department of CSE as a whole aims at the development of Computer Science Professionals with ethical values & societal concern

CSE Staff


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